Going Renegade: 
Dating Bootcamp for Women

A 4-week programme with 4 online modules, and a 4-day intensive "dating bootcamp" in London

  • 4-day immersion bootcamp in the city with your wingwoman Hayley, and her team. Learn how to meet men in real life, feel positive about dating and confidently choose the best man for you.
  • The fastest way to get out of your dating rut, and into a great relationship — proven!
  • Includes 4-weeks online coaching including, weekly small group coaching calls, WhatsApp coaching, a dating app makeover, feedback on your messages, dating mantras for success and more!
  • Option to follow this programme online, if preferred

What clients are saying about Hayley's Dating Bootcamp


To move on from here

Feeling drained: You are emotionally drained from men who disappear on the day of your date, or never quite get around to meeting up with you.

Feeling compromised: You are constantly accepting 'situationships' where the connection is there but their effort is lacking.

Feeling disenchanted: You are disheartened by modern dating, and don’t know where or how to improve.


To create a new dating outlook

Abundance: You feel like you can step outside your door and get a date…

Empowerment: …which means you also feel empowered to keep your standards high.

Confidence: You understand men and have a pathway to the relationship you choose. 

Happiness: You realise dating can finally be fun again!


What is Going Renegade?

What I hear from the women I coach is that they want 2 things to change in their dating lives. 1. Their results. 2. How they feel during the process of getting there. 

From my perspective, dating is a “new thing” that we as humans have to do. Sure we’ve largely unshackled ourselves from “needing a man”, but our post-modern alternative to love isn’t that great either. We primarily meet people on apps, designed by (hot?) geeks in San Francisco. We now have to negotiate situationships, and “the talk” before we dare assume that a relationship could actually go anywhere. Plus face a torrent of malicious dating trends from ghosting, to breadcrumbing, to red flags, beige flags…… it’s enough to make even the most self-assured woman lose her confidence.

Not to mention all of the traditional ways we undermine women’s self-esteem: scrutiny about our age and looks are still what a lot of women chalk up their dating success (or lack thereof) to. Then you receive a message from a guy you weren’t that into anyway telling you that he doesn’t really see this going anywhere, so don’t try to convince him otherwise?! 

Seriously. There has to be another way right? 

My mission is to take you to a place where dating can be fun and enjoyable again. Where you have a game plan and a toolkit to get there. Where you understand a more effective way to take action in your dating life. Dating needs to be exciting, and empowering. From this place - where you’re thriving - it is so much easier to feel self-confident, to naturally have great standards, to be attractive to potential dates. 

The bad news is to get there takes work, and practice (just like anything you train for in life.) The good news is this can be a deeply rewarding process, and a lot of fun. Let me help you meet some new wingwomen. Let me teach you the art of enticing him to approach you IRL. And with your new found confidence, let's agree to let go of options that weren’t that great anyway. Walk out of your front door with confidence. Get the relationship that you want.

Hayley Quinn gazing upwards

Why Going Renegade?

Hayley Quinn Guiding Female Dating Client During Going Renegade

Meet Men IRL

Optional in-person coaching where my team and I teach you how to meet men in real life. No classrooms, we’re going to bars and shops for your learning!

Learn to Love Yourself

Self-esteem boosting weekly masterclasses where we will figure out what’s holding you back, and teach you how to create choice in your dating life.

Fully Immersive

Going Renegade is 4 weeks long, creating the perfect amount of time to form better habits and make real change.

High Impact

Weekly challenges take you to the edge of your comfort zone and are designed to create permanent change in your dating life.

Hayley Quinn Coaching Female Dating Client During Going Renegade Bootcamp

An unforgettable month that will shape your dating outlook forever

Over 4 weeks you’ll learn how to meet men in real-life.

Meet the coaches

4 Days Of In-Person Coaching To Inspire You

Head out with Hayley and her coaching team and learn how you can meet men in real life over a 4-day intensive: Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday daytime. By the end of your session men will be magically walking up to you and asking for your number!

Meet the coaches
A relaxed group of people chatting

Conversation Starters

On your first in-person session with the coaching team you will focus on easy conversation starters to meet men in real-life.

A woman playing with her hair while chatting


Want him to be the one who says hello to you? Time to master your body language and signals to prompt the men you want to talk to you.

A man and woman lock eyes as he stoops to help her

Daytime Approach

Great men really are everywhere, and you don’t need to be in a bar to meet them! Master how to meet men in everyday life scenarios during your lunch break.

A woman winking at a man in the cafe

The Art of Flirtation

Fed up of being seen as a friend, and not a date? Wondering why you’re confident socially, but not with men you like? Learn to adapt your conversation skills for flirtation and attraction, not just networking. 

A woman with her arms outstretched outside

Future Development

The final live coaching session with the Hayley Quinn coaching team - and your new wingwomen - will focus on how you can develop independence and sustain your new dating lifestyle.

Suitability: In-person coaching involves starting conversations with men in real life. If you find social interactions particularly challenging, you may wish to speak to a licensed therapist first.


What customers are saying

Experience the real-life success stories from women who've thrived in the Going Renegade dating bootcamp, showcasing how they've reinvigorated their single life, mastered in-person dating, and empowered themselves to take control of their dating journey.

5 gold stars icon
The Training Really Works!

"OMG, the training really works (never doubted it)! On the train, I chatted with a guy who ran a marathon in memory of his dad. He'd raised a lot for charity, so I offered to donate and shared my contact. He just messaged me: 'Let's meet up for dinner/lunch/coffee!' I'm amazed!"

Headshot of Poonam J
Poonam J.
London, UK
5 gold stars icon
A Year Later, Self-Confidence Reigns

"Travelling home after Going Renegade, I reflected on how a year ago, I struggled with acceptance after my divorce. Back then, I relied on someone else's words to feel 'awesome.' Today, I realize I truly am amazing, and it's coming from within. I would hit on me for sure. Obrigada!! Beijos."

Headshot of Sisi P
Sisi P.
New York City, US
5 gold stars icon
From Reluctance to Renewed Confidence

"I just want to say a huge thanks to you and your team. I was really reluctant to sign up to Going Renegade... I guess I was embarrassed that I couldn't just do this stuff naturally. But I'm so glad a did, already I feel more confident, more sexy, and importantly... I feel happy being single again! So thanks so much. Now to keep practicing."

Headshot of Danielle V
Danielle V.
London, UK
5 gold stars icon
Unexpected Fun

"I had a LOT of fun - which was totally unexpected!! Going Renegade has completely changed my view of dating. Thank you!"

Headshot of Carly M
Carly M.
Montreal, Canada
5 gold stars icon
From Hesitation to Confidence - What an Incredible Weekend

"I had an incredible weekend of Going Renegade. To be honest, I was initially hesitant to join something like this (everyone else seems to manage fine, right?), but sharing the experience with such a fantastic group of ladies erased any embarrassment. In fact, I feel pretty amazing about myself now. Just need to keep practicing! Spoke to two gentlemen before breakfast today... no numbers yet, but I was just getting warmed up. Thank you Hayley!"

Headshot of Jo H
Jo H.
London, UK

For privacy reasons we have changed some of our customers' identifying information at their request.


Find the perfect Going Renegade to suit your calendar

Book early to grab your place at our flagship dating programme and transform your relationships with men.

Winter '24

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? We’ve shared some of our most frequently asked questions to help you out.


Going Renegade is held over 4 weeks. There are 2 course options available: online and live. You can follow the whole online course from anywhere in the world. If you wish to attend the live sessions you must be able to travel to London for our 4-day intensive: however all other modules can be delivered remotely.


4 x Masterclass webinars

Watch online from the comfort of your own home. They follow a format where half of the session is dedicated to learning a dating concept, the other is dedicated to your coaching questions.

4 x In-Person Coaching Opportunities

Hayley and her team of coaches take you out into real-life settings to teach you how to meet men in person.

Real-Time Digital Support

24/7 feedback specific to you via our WhatsApp channel

Weekly Challenges

Weekly challenges to boost your dating life and develop your independence. 

Teaching Style

We pride ourselves on creating a fun, friendly and supportive environment to work in. We also communicate with each other, and about others respectfully. You can also expect lots of practical advice and action steps that work in the real world.

What You Need

A willingness to learn, access to wifi and a mobile phone. All other teaching materials will be provided by our experienced coaching team.


We spend time preparing you for this event so can only accept bookings at least 72 hours in advance of the course start date. Spaces are always limited due to having a limited number of coaches: we always maintain a 2:1 trainee/coach ratio so you get plenty of individual attention. If you are unsure about whether this training program is for you, we’d advise you to chat with us to get more details.

Refunds and Support

As this is a live event we won’t be able to reimburse you if you have a change of heart: however, you will be offered the chance to transfer onto a later course date or exchange your Going Renegade space for coaching credit. During the Going Renegade programme we provide 24/7 coaching support for all participants.


Enrol in my Going Renegage program today to start seeing results!

Isn’t it time you put down your dating app and met attractive men in real-life? Book a time to chat with me and tell me more about your goals so I can figure out how best to help.

Let's Chat!
Hayley Quinn Going Renegade thumbnail

Results may vary based on individual efforts and dedication to the course materials. We do not guarantee specific dating outcomes, as success depends on personal application and context.

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