Confidence Building
For Men

Attract more women online - 3 step by step tips

July 6, 2017
▪ 5 mins read

Three tips to attract more women online (step by step method to connect to her and get her to respond to your messages)

It's time for you to learn how to attract more women online

My three tips to attract more women online is going to tell you how to get more dates from your online dating profile.There are certain things you might be doing naturally that will get you dates online, at the same time you may be making some critical mistakes that hold back your online dating success.

 It can be really exhausting firing out four hundred messages only to be ignored or have women say after three weeks of messaging, "Oh I don’t give out my number to strangers, not an on a site like this". THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE?! This why I want to show you how to attract more women online.  

Or worse you turn up to the date, and the woman looks unrecognisable from her picture and has brought a friend with her who’s the only intention is suck the joy out of the date and to leave as early as possible.  

By using the three tips to attract more women online you can improve your online profile so you can regularly enjoy dates with women that you are attracted to.

Tip number 1. : Make sure your profile pictures are tip-top.

You do not need to have pictures that are going to making into the next issue of Vogue. Having said this it’s important where you look good and that represent your lifestyle and values.  

Stumbling out of tacky nightclubs, being sick on an elderly women’s face, is not appropriate for your dating app profile. It could be argued that its not appropriate full stop but this is not a philosophy blog.  

A nice way to think of it is that you are your product and your profile pictures are your marketing for your product.  

If you advertise to the wrong customers, this opens itself up for unsuitable dates. It can be tempting to put outrageous pictures online but the effect is like telling an offensive joke at the office party. It’s funny for about two seconds and then everyone remembers you as the outrage generator.  

"Oh right, he’s used blackface for Halloween, when’s he leaving?"  

Ideally, around four to six pictures is a good number to have some nice shots of you doing different things. This also builds trust - less than 3 photos looks suspicious.  

Having pictures that look like you’re enjoying yourself, that you’re happy to be doing whatever it is that doing is ideal.  

Next is to include a social picture, preferably with other girls in it but it has to be natural. If it’s a picture of you at hooters and it looks like it’s the first time you’ve seen non-virtual breasts it can appear try hard.  Then add a picture(s) that has you doing something that connects to a passion of yours. This will imply ambition and confidence.

To attract more women online your pictures must be:

Physically Flattering- so she is attracted to you.  

Social- so she knows you’re not a murderer  

Passion- demonstrating your ambition and confidence

Tip 2: Write a specific bio about yourself

This relates to the messaging process. Give her something to comment on or respond to, it makes the messaging process a lot easier. It also allows you to market yourself in a way you want to be seen as:

  • Honest
  • An individual
  • To the point.

Sticking to these rules will most likely make for a good profile bio: also try to stick to these qualities in real life. Even if you think you are writing something nerdy and you think a woman won’t like that, in the online world there are so many women; so being individual allows you to attract more women online who are best matched to you.  

I would even flip it as a strength for a tag line:  

"Looking for someone to play monopoly with, first ten applicants get a date with me ;-)".  

Add around three or four more sentences to this expressing that you are enjoying your life and want to add to it. It’s simple but effective, that’s all we can really ask for.

Tip number 3: Message with the date in mind

My last tip to attract more women online is it to nail down your messaging skills. A huge mistake that most men make is that they message for far too long and the fact that they want to go on a date with the woman gets lost along the way. She gets bored when she’s receiving a chain of messages that seem to be going nowhere.  

Roughly from the greet to date arrangement will be around six to eight messages.  

Here is your map of what to say and when to attract more women online.

  1. The ice breaker
  3. Personal info
  5. Justification for her number
  7. What are her plans?
  9. Confirmation

It could be slightly more than this, but this is roughly the order in which messaging goes.

Ice Breaker

Comment on something that is specific to her profile with a statement rather than a question.  

"I too love American BBQ (hotdogs are better than burgers though right?) This could be interesting."  

It’s simple and allows her to respond easily, more importantly, most other guys are not saying this.

Personal info

This is so you can build a connection and have reason to meet each other. It also makes the first part of the date easier as you have things to reference rather than,  

"So how about that hot weather?"  

Again most people are not that focused on this so it will stand out more the more personal your message.


It’s really important to get the person away from the app and on their phone. You’re then put into a more datable bracket, as opposed to the `random guy I met online’ file.  

Just like how Team HQ teaches day game (meeting women in real life during the daytime) we add little justification whenever we are asking for something.  "I don’t always have Wi-fi and I find it easier to text, what’s your number?"  

You can then continue the conversation via text without her being interrupted by ten other guys.  

Now that a rapport has been built (and you minimalised the competition!) it is now time to call back to the things you learned about her and arrange a date.  

"It would be nice to get know a little bit more about your weird love for Louis Theroux, what are your plans for next week?"


Now the final part for your tips for online dating. The simplest part of the messaging is the confirmation just tying the knot together.  "Great, next Thursday by Covent garden"  

That is message one, but it’s an important message on the day as well so they know the date is on.  

"Hey, might get out of work 15 mins late but will let you know, see you soon".  

They are the three online tips to attract more women online. I am Jack one of the TeamHQ coaches, if you would like to have your profile assessed or created for you by one of our coaches, please visit Hayley Quinn Club!  

Bonus tip!  

Flirt with her! Read all about it on my How to tease a woman blog!

Hayley Quinn smiling profile
About the author

Hayley Quinn is a leading dating and relationship coach, with 3 million views of her TEDx talk and 18 million YouTube views. She is spokesperson for Match, a columnist for Cosmopolitan, a regular contributor to international media, and has been published by Harper Collins (“The Last First Date”, 2022) and Simon & Schuster (“Do This, Not That: Dating”, 2023).

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