Confidence Building
For Men

How to show sincere sexual intent towards your date

April 7, 2017
▪ 2 mins read

I tell you how you can be honest, sexy and let her know that you want to date her.

Women (especially in cosmopolitan cities) will be used to going on a date or two. This means they're going pro at presenting their best date self whilst being inwardly bored.I wanted to share with you a quick idea about how you can take her 'off script' and show that you are the sincere, sexy guy that she really wants to meet. But also how to show her your sexual intent without coming off as a creep.

I have a theory that due to an overdose on dull dates that don't go anywhere a LOT of women (especially those with the best social skills) know how to 'be' a good date. They have good stories, interesting conversation and a warm demeanour. This is because after one dating app date too many they're going pro at making an average date as comfortable for them as possible. Often even I would find on dates a tendency towards just reciting large chunks of stories or information. The key here then is to stop her in her tracks and recognize when she's on auto-pilot... and of course, as it's a DATE you want to demonstrate some sexual intent here quick way to take her snooze button off is to slightly lean in, touch her arm and say:

"You know instead of you telling me who you are, I actually want to experience you

WOAH this interruption stops her flow and implies a few great qualities about you.

1. That you actually want to get to know the real her

2. That you recognise she's not totally in the moment with you

3. That you're not looking for a one-night relationship (if you are this is cool just don't say this! be upfront about that, she may want the same.)

4. Saying you want to experience her, implies an erotic physical connection in a way that isn't too heavy-handed (and therefore even more boring & unsexy) to her. This is the sexual intent bit.

Again this idea was inspired as I was coaching one of my Academy guys about how to mix up his dates and exude the sexual presence of a man who knows himself and understands women. Find out more about my Academy using the link below, next intake Autumn 2017 :-)

Hayley Quinn smiling profile
About the author

Hayley Quinn is a leading dating and relationship coach, with 3 million views of her TEDx talk and 18 million YouTube views. She is spokesperson for Match, a columnist for Cosmopolitan, a regular contributor to international media, and has been published by Harper Collins (“The Last First Date”, 2022) and Simon & Schuster (“Do This, Not That: Dating”, 2023).

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