Dating Tips
For Men

Confronting your wisdom - it is in there somewhere!

November 14, 2015
▪ 2 mins read

Your Wisdom

Welcome to the Attraction HQ podcast where we look at love, sex, dating and relationships. How you can have more of them how they can be better quality, how you can feel inspired and become a better person within yourself by ignoring conventional dating advice, taking outside strategies and perspectives, and striving to become the most real, authentic, honest, and sexiest version of yourself.

The interview

Joining me today is lovely Elliot. Now Elliott has helped me out a bunch of times my life. I've also had the pleasure of seeing him run events and speaking. He's the founder and creator of Power to Succeed, which is, well, maybe you can describe this in your own words. Sure, it's, it's a two-day experiential seminar. It's also your programme and the book, right?


What we do is work with people to help them have the confidence to step into their identity, whether they want to create it or explore it.


A huge thing, I always find is people don't take the first step on that path or on that journey. They don't have clarity about what the outcome is going to be. They're not 100% sure or fixed about what they want. And they're worried that they don't have a good enough game plan.

So they're not going to succeed the first time around. And they'll just make sure they get more recon or wait another year. And time goes by, and then suddenly you have that nagging feeling of, I'm not quite on my path.


Or they just need more research or just a better execution!


I bet some of you would like to meet women or more women, and that's where you're tuning in. This could, however, be something that very much relates to other areas of your life. If you've thought about setting up your own business, but you've hesitated. Or it could be something as seemingly simple as beginning to meet women, I have my own subscribers club.

And a lot of what I have to say, I love you if you're listening, I love you. But it's a horrible word. But there are some people on there who asked a lot of technical questions and want to know the A to Zed of meeting women. Which by the way if anybody wrote it- that'd be a long book, before taking the first step out the door. The nice word for them is armchair pickup artists.

And there are lots of armchair people in life.


We do thispodcast as armchair trainers, armchair coaches, armchair business owners, armchair billionaires. And that's exactly where they are in the article telling you how you could do better, but they're not doing it themselves.


And what we need to do with is, to begin with this process. I'm all about people starting on the journey, stumbling a bit as they go along. And gradually, if you're doing things in the right way, with the right intent and the right clarity, you do, pull in the right direction. I am a constant work in progress. And that's true for everybody else.

I just told Elliott how I'm spending my mornings at the moment, pacing up and down on my wooden balcony. Barefoot and trying to ground me a bit better. It's not a lawn, but it'll do. I like outdoor stuff. And some of the things in the experiences you were talking about on your training programmes sounded weird, but great in terms of bringing people more towards things that they need.

Hayley Quinn smiling profile
About the author

Hayley Quinn is a leading dating and relationship coach, with 3 million views of her TEDx talk and 18 million YouTube views. She is spokesperson for Match, a columnist for Cosmopolitan, a regular contributor to international media, and has been published by Harper Collins (“The Last First Date”, 2022) and Simon & Schuster (“Do This, Not That: Dating”, 2023).

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